
our facilities



The Clairemont School library is the information and research backbone of Clairemont. The library is responsible for selecting, acquiring, processing, storing and disseminating information resources, both in printed and electronic formats. The main library is situated in a serene and quiet part of Clairemont, just above the Music and the Arts Studios. The Early Years library is located in the Early Years Section of the school. The library has a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books for the reading pleasure of both students and teachers.  

The library serves the Clairemont community and library lessons are planned for students at every grade level. The library organizes book clubs, book fairs, and talk shows asides many other programs. Library lessons are planned in adherence to the library’s enriched curriculum to give the children a wonderful library experience. The library’s collection is usually updated every year in strict adherence to the library’s acquisition policy.


Clairemont school cafeteria serves fresh food and snacks to both students and staff. A team of experienced cooks prepare a wide range of dishes, which always contain fresh and healthy ingredients. For students in our Early Years section, the snacks and lunch are brought to their classes. Our students in grade receive the snacks in their class rooms also.

Sports Facilities​

The School’s sports department is responsible for the provision and administration of school sports. The department is dedicated to assisting and encouraging students to participate and compete in different sports through physical education classes and the after school program.
The School’s playing ground and the sports arena are conducive for all our sporting activities as well as Music, dance and other school programs.

Student Council

At Clairemont School, the Student Council promotes the interests of all students through meetings with the school administration, staff and parents. The Student Council is made up of student representatives from grades 1 to 6. Meetings are held every quarter and the feedback passed on to the teacher-link who passes this on to the relevant department. The Student Council also organizes different school-wide activities and events.

Mentoring and Counselling Program​

Clairemont has put a mentoring program in place to support students socially, emotionally and spiritually. Students are taught to demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. They are also encouraged to develop social-awareness and interpersonal skills, establish and maintain positive relationships and develop self-management skills to achieve success in both school and in their personal lives. The mentoring and counseling is done both in groups and individually. Each Clairemont child has a mentor who see to the well-being of the child

Information Technology

Clairemont school is transforming into a cloud-based school, backed by a high-end secured optic-fiber internet and backup and a robust Edu-Portal. We run a challenging curriculum with highly skilled experienced staff in a continuously improving technologically advanced learning environment”., the school has the following to drive our vision:

  1. One IT suits wth 20 comuters).
  2. Increased internet bandwidth.
  3. Improved internet distribution around the school.
  4. Provision of an internet back-up supplier.
  5. Dedicated server room.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Use of a variety of educational platforms, including the Google classroom, Dropbox and Moodle.
  8. Projectors in most classrooms.
  9. Use of the Google classroom.